
Any system that attempts to use Tellody API needs to be authenticated in order to be able to submit requests to Tellody via the provided API.

HTTP Request

https://app.tellody.com/CampaignCloud/login POST Login request

Sample Request


import requests
import json
username = input("Plase enter your username :>")
password = input("PLease enter your password :>")
stay_logged = (input("Do you want to stay logged in? Y/N :>").lower() == "y")
#Creating a new session object to hold cookies, headers etc
my_session = requests.Session()

#Retrieving the XSRF Token needed for Login
pingResponse = my_session.get("https://app.tellody.com/CampaignCloud/RememberMeController/ping")

#Import the X-XSRF-Token returned from RememberMeController/ping into the login headers
xsrfToken = pingResponse.headers.get("X-XSRF-TOKEN")
loginHeaders = {"X-XSRF-TOKEN" : xsrfToken}

param = {"username" : username, "password" : password, "remember-me" : stay_logged}
#Sending a login request
print(my_session.post("https://app.tellody.com/CampaignCloud/login", data = param, headers = loginHeaders).json())


username The username used to login to Tellody. It is set as a String value
password; String value for password
Remember-me; Boolean parameter. (True / False)

Sample Response

   'message':'You have logged in with success.',


The result should return “success” value for “status” parameter for successful login.

In case of error, the response will be in the below json format. The parameters “cause” and “message” can be used to retrieve information on the issue as a string.

Sample Response

   "access-denied": true,
   "cause": "badCredentials",
   "message": "Bad credentials"

Or alternatively, information maybe also derived by the HTTP Status in the result of each request. (e.g. HTTP 401 - Unauthorized).

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